Books Published

AuthorTitle of the PaperChapter LinkTitle of the BookTitle of the ChapterChapter / VolumePublisherISBN No.Month, Year
Dr. S. SankariArduino-Based Circuit Breaker for Power Distribution Lines to Enhance the Safety of Lineman Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile NetworksLecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies131Springer Nature978-981-19-1844-52022
Dr. M.Suresh Kumar----Aritificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-----South Asian Academic Publications978-81-956027-1-1Jul-22
Dr. T.P. RaniData Security in the Internet of Things,, , Springer, Singapore, 2022  (Scopus) Innovation, Systems and Technologies,  SpringerICT with Intelligent Applications.vol 248.  pp 593–601Springer978-981-16-4176-3Jun-22
Dr. T.P. RaniThermal Camera-Based COVID-19 Detection in Intelligent Systems and ComputingIntelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems.vol 1415Springer978-981-16-7329-0Jun-22
Dr. T.P. RaniSchedule It: A System for Seminar Hall Booking in Intelligent Systems and ComputingIntelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems.vol 1416Springer978-981-16-7329-1Jun-22
Dr. R. Ranjana Learning For Cognitive Computing SystemsApplications and Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Computer Vision (Scopus indexed)Vol 7De Grutyer978-3-11-075050-831-Dec-22
Dr. R. RanjanaLivspecs: Design and Implementation of Smart Specs for Hearing and Visually Challenged Persons. Notes in Electrical Engineering,-Vol 967SpringerISBN 978-981-19-7169-31 .1.23
Dr. R. RanjanaDrone Usage in Delivery of Vaccines in Indian Scenario.Computer Vision and Robotics. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems.-Springer,978-981-16-8225-415.3.2022
Dr. R. RanjanaApplying Streaming Analyitcs methods on edge and fog device clustersStreaming Analytics Concepts, Architectures, Platforms Use Cases and ApplicationsApplying Streaming Analyitcs methods on edge and fog device clusters8IET publishers978-1-417-1September, 2022
Ms. S.AnithaJebamani of Everything: Smart Sensing TechnologiesChapter 4:Localization of IoT Edge DevicesChapterNova Publishers978-1-68507-943-7Jun-22
Ms. B.RenukadeviEntrepreneurs in sportsInnovative Trends in Entreprenuership: Need, Opportunities and Challenges(Book Chapter)Entrepreneurs in sportsChapterAnora Publishers978-93-92313-51-6Dec-22
Mr.M.VaithiyanathanCloud ComputingScientific international publication house978-93-5625-590-6Dec-22