Inaugural of Virtual Student Certification Program on “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)”

Inaugural of Virtual Student Certification Program on “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)”

The Department of IT, Sri Sai Ram Engneering College,  have conducted   Inaugural of Virtual Student Certification Program on “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)” in association with ICT Academy, and AWS Academy on 28.9.2020 through Zoom meetplatform by 11:00A.M.

The students are to be trained in “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)” for 40 hrs for Amazon AWS online certification exam. They are to attend a 40 hrs training from the Inaugural date. 50 students, who are to be trained in the student certification program attended the Inaugural Program

The Program Co-ordinator :


Resource Persons for the program :

  • Vishram Thatte, (Technical Program Manager, AWS Academy , India)
  • Venkatsh G, (Head Academic Operations, ICT Academy)
  • Dineshkumar Gandhi , (Senior Technical Trainer, ICT Academy)

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